Guaranteed Gluten Free, Lactose Free, Casein Free Egg Free and zero cross contamination

Without butter

Without Eggs
✔️ Our products = Mostly organic ingredients, fresh and without preservatives
Mostly organic ingredients, fresh and without any chemical preservatives for a healthy life without pesticides or chemicals!
❌ Other pastries = many pesticides and preservatives often used!
Often contain many unpronounceable pesticides and preservatives,
Avoid products made with non-organic ingredients that are sprayed with various chemical pesticides that have been implicated in the development of many health disorders, and some of which have been completely banned from use in human food over the years. of recent years. A large list of pesticides and chemical preservatives still used are still today said to be "at risk" and "controversial" "without having been banned ...
Source: Foundation against cancer -
✔️ Our products = 100% Vegan (without eggs, butter, milk ...)
Vegan, no eggs, no milk, no butter and no animal products used for healthy consumption and a protected environment!
❌ Other pastries = animal products mainly used!
Animal products are still very predominantly used in most bakeries, pastry shops and usual supermarkets.
These animal products can cause allergies in some children. (egg allergy, lactose, etc.)
Animal products are also a problem from an ethical point of view for two reasons: the first being that slaughterhouses and farms often treat farm animals cruelly whereas modern agriculture would very easily allow us to no longer have to do this. suffer or kill any animal, and the second is the enormous impact that animal husbandry has on global warming, the deterioration of our ozone layer, the alarming decline in our global water supply and the pollution of our drinking waterways. In view of the projections of world population growth in the coming years, it is quite simply impossible to continue to consume animal products at the rate or we consume them ...
Source - GreenPeace -
✔️ Our products = Gluten Free
Gluten and peanut free.
❌ Other pastries = Gluten rate often very high!
Traditional or industrially produced bakery products contain a lot of gluten to ensure a longer shelf life. Gluten has been implicated in many digestive and hormonal disorders including "intestinal hyperpermeability" and celiac disease.
It is also now common knowledge, as reported by many people, that gluten causes sudden fatigue after ingestion, this remains an observation to make yourself, we leave it to you to check it yourself at home. by consuming a usual bread and by monitoring your energy and your mood in the hour which follows, guaranteed revelations ....
✔️ Our products = Low Glycemic Index, suitable for diabetics
Low GI (i.e. without fast carbohydrate and which does not cause a spike in blood glucose), max of 50/100
_our products are suitable for diabetics!
❌ Other pastries = Glycemic index often very high!
GI (glycemic index) often very high, often even reaching 100/100 (GI of traditional bread and cake is 110/100!)
Traditional bakers and industrialists still mostly use flours with a maximum GI (white flour, GI = 90/100)
Too high a blood sugar level leads to rapid weight gain as well as an increase in cholesterol, so it is essential to limit or eliminate, as much as possible, any high GI food. Namely, foods with high GI have also been implicated in the development of certain cancers ...
Source: Harvard -
Here is a table that will help you decide which foods are best to avoid completely:
Table IG - Source: Yuka
✔️ Our products = Eco-responsible and Fair
Eco-responsible and fair, for the protection of our food and the well-being of all.
❌ Other pastries = often unsustainable agriculture and often unfair trade!
There is often little interest from manufacturers and traditional bakeries to verify the origin of their ingredients since this would invariably lead to an increase in costs ... it is however essential to make these verifications in order not to increase the suffering of others, people and population at risk of being exploited because of the absence of legislation .... Fortunately, French consumers are slowly settling down and are now asking for products from renewable and sustainable agriculture to protect the environment. environment, but also fair trade to consume without harming others!
✔️ Our products = Respect for religious regimes (Kosher, Halal, Hindu ...)
Our cakes respect the hallal or halal diet, the Sati diet which is the Indian and Hindu vegetarian diet, the kosher diet and vegetarianism or veganism resulting from Jainism or jinism.
❌ Other pastries = rarely respect different religious restrictions
Cakes may contain alcohol, animal products, pork animal gelatin ...
How do we replace these ingredients while still maintaining a delicious taste?
-The milk is replaced by coconut milk according to the recipe.
-Refined white flours full of gluten and too high GI for health are replaced by a mixture of coconut flour, organic rice flour much healthier, because having a low glycemic index. Our flours are guaranteed gluten-free.
-The butter is replaced by a vegetable butter that we create in the workshop, composed of coconut milk, organic coconut and sunflower oil, lemon, apple puree and without palm oil, margarine or other hydrogenated oils very harmful to health.
-The chocolate is replaced by vegan and organic chocolate that we make ourselves in the workshop :)