Top 10 best unicorn cakes!

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We meet again for a new ranking, this time, of the best unicorn cake designs.
It is one of the cakes that we sell the most so we had the idea of creating this ranking to inspire amateur pastry chefs and inspire us, ourselves, to create new designs to offer you.
1 - in the first position we have the flower mane unicorn cake in pink and white feminine colors. This is the basic model, but also one of the prettiest, you will find it either with the horn and ears in sugar paste or as a non-edible accessory. I personally prefer the non-edible accessory ears, because it would be hard to imagine eating the long sugarpaste horn ;p
2 - in second position, we find the Harry Potter unicorn cake. We have chosen this one as the big winner of this ranking, because it combines two fantastic universes that have made millions dream.
The eyes and the glasses as well as the scarf are made of sugar paste or marzipan according to preference and the interior is a 6-layer cake of sponge cake and vegan, organic and gluten-free chocolate ganache.
3 - then we have the model covered with black ganache, this one is very pretty and we added the cheeks that blush with pink ganache. I think it's one of the most original models and the colors seem very well chosen to me, reminiscent of the colors of the universe and the starry sky while keeping a feminine touch.
You can find it either covered in black ganache or covered in marzipan or black sugar paste.
4 - here is the vampire unicorn model which will be perfect for a birthday party around halloween or for the birthdays of little girls fan of vampires :) We added wings the bats as well as a coulis of pink sugar on dark ganache.
5 - in fifth position, the Unicorn cake with pastel colors and sugar pearl ears. This one is original, but quite long to prepare, because you have to know how to mix the different colors of ganache to obtain this painted effect.
A similar result can be achieved by mixing and twisting several colors of sugarpaste together to coat it.
6 - in sixth position, the super fun lazy unicorn cake made up of a main cake with a part missing as if the sugar paste Unicorn figurine backed by the cake had bitten off a large piece and had collapsed under the blow tired! I love this one, it doesn't take itself too seriously and is sure to add a touch of humor to the birthday party.
7 - then we have this three-tier cake featuring a whole unicorn universe with several little sugarpaste figures and pastel and rainbow colors that would be perfect for a little girl's birthday (1-5 years old) .
The choice of colors and design of the figures does not make it an ideal choice for a girls birthday and a little older.
8 - the following model may look simple, but it is actually very elaborate, you will notice the attention to detail on the unicorn figurine which is made of sugar paste, on the clouds, on the rainbow too created from sugar paste and on the golden spots covering the pink ganache of the cake.
9 - next we have the zombie unicorn cake with a green and black color palette and cross eyes. This one won't appeal to all unicorn fans, but it will find its audience among horror movie fans and Halloween fans.
10- finally, to end our list, a rather special model, the unicorn bear cake, that is to say a bear with a unicorn horn. It's a brilliant idea. Why were unicorns all hugging horses? I also find that the design of the teddy bear is particularly successful and that the brown pastel colors are very well chosen.
If you liked this list, do not hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter to receive all our ideas and inspirations for your cake decorations at home. And as always, if you prefer to avoid having to bake the unicorn cake yourself, you can always order one of our organic, vegan, gluten-free, low glycemic index cakes on the site.
Good day to you all :)