Our vegan pastry shop is committed to offering you cakes and pastries without egg and without any trace of egg.

Whether you are vegetarian or allergic to eggs, our cakes will perfectly meet your needs since, far from being lessened by the absence of eggs, the taste is even improved.

Eggs are not necessarily a bad food for health like milk or gluten can be, but some people with allergies have no other choice but to avoid its consumption and people following a strict vegan diet for their health and for the environment also have valid reasons to avoid its consumption.

It is often necessary to specify that a healthy vegan diet, that is to say by replacing animal foods with vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains, remains one of the most beneficial diets for health.

The vegetarian and vegan diet can also take a bad form if animal foods are replaced with high glycemic fatty foods like white bread, hydrogenated industrial oils and even too much vegetable oils.

It is therefore wise to distinguish between a healthy vegetarian diet and a vegan "junk food" diet.

The vegan diet is also one of the most effective ways to reduce everyone's negative effects on the environment.

These harmful effects are not immediately obvious, for example the consumption of animal products supports the food industry which is one of the most important pollutants on the planet.

A reduced consumption of meat and dairy products can be a gesture for the environment despite the fact that eggs are not necessarily a food that is directly bad for health.